
  • Blurb 2024

    ghostie14 has been friends with mimi since high school. They became friends when they both needed a trusted confidante who would listen without judgement no matter what. Over time their friendship had changed to include amazingly fun adventures but their willingness to be there for each other in the worst of times has not faded one bit. However, this doesn’t mean their friendship was perfect. For example, one time the weather was a bit windy and rainy and they were meant to drive and see the beautiful northern California beaches. mimi was still raring to go despite the weather. But ghostie14 was scared to go because the weather combined with the narrow cliffside roads seemed dangerous at the time so she convinced mimi to go to the Fairfield Suisin wildlife area instead. When they arrived, there were none of northern California’s breathtaking waves, beautiful beaches, amazing salty air, or outcroppings of rocks to climb. Instead, they were greeted with stillness, a couple of fishermen idly fishing, swampy grass that’s no fun to step in, and just a narrow unimaginative pathway leading to the pier beside the river. To this day, it’s still their worst beach trip ever and mimi loves the beach so much that she’s having a beachside wedding so you can just imagine the extreme disappointment she felt. Luckily, she’s marrying the love of her life who knows better than to steer her away from her beloved beaches.

  • Ritgerð: Spegill af samfélagi

    Þegar við hugsum um morðingja hugsar fólk oft um brjálaða fjöldamorðingja. Við hugsum um sterkan ljótan mann sem drepur fólk með berum höndum, kannski einhvern sem er ekki hluti af samfélaginu. Dauði er bein afleiðing af þvi sem morðingi hefur gert. En Við erum ekki morðingjar snýr þeirri hugmynd á haus. Það er bók í íslenskum samtíma sem fjallar um tvær persónur sem segja hvort öðru ævisögu sína.

  • Lusmý 2021

    Árið 2021 byrjaði eins og flest ár fyrir mig. Ég fór til vinnu og heim á hverjum vinnudegi. Helgar voru frídagar.

  • The 15 Stages of Fumbling Through Icelandic

    Learning a language is a long journey and sometimes it feels impossible. Every time you've made one achievement you are often faced at the same time with how far you still have to go and how long the journey really is. Here are some of the ups and downs that I have experienced while learning Icelandic.

  • Donkey Trail Trailhead

    Donkey Trail is a beautiful short hike on the Hilo side of Big Island Hawai'i. It is only 0.2 mi. (0.4 km) long, maybe a 20 min. hike if you go slowly and you will want to go slowly because there is so much to see in this short hike, all kinds of flora. On an autumn October day, the hike was quite humid and had a pleasant fruity smell. What kind exactly? I couldn't say.

  • Hornstrandir Hike

    Hornstrandir is the most remote nature reserve in Iceland. It is located in the northern most part of the Westfjords. As an nature reserve it has an abundance of Icelandic flora and fauna. It's possible to do day trips in Hesteyri or to do a multi-day hike; this involves a bit of planning like any multi-day hike. The most famous location in Hornstrandir is Hornbjarg.

  • - Iceland's own Project Gutenberg

    I had been looking for an affordable and free way to read Icelandic books ever since I started my Icelandic learning journey. However, whenever I went to Project Gutenberg there would almost never be any content for Icelandic. But then today I found bæ It is an effort by the National and University Library of Iceland to digitize old Icelandic books. So it's like Iceland's own Project Gutenberg or the Internet Archive's Text Archive but funded by the national government.

  • Naustahvilft - The Troll's Seat

    When you enter the town of Ísafjórður, one of the most visually striking landmarks is Naustahvilft, a half crater in the mountain. It can be seen from all parts of the town and it is right next to the airport. In English it is also known as the troll's seat. You can read more about the folk tale at the Vist Westfjords website.

  • Úlfarsfell Hike

    The Úlfarsfell, "Úlfar's Mountain", hike is in Mosfellsbær and Reykjavík. It is within the capital's metropolitan area. Regarding the name, no one knows why Úlfarsfell has the name that it does.

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