When you enter the town of Ísafjórður, one of the most visually striking landmarks is Naustahvilft, a half crater in the mountain. It can be seen from all parts of the town and it is right next to the airport. In English it is also known as the troll's seat. You can read more about the folk tale at the Vist Westfjords website.



But most importantly, the path to Naustahvilft is a pretty approachable hike. It's a short hike that starts in the parking lot at the bottom of the mountain.

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The hike is only 500 meters long round-trip and the entrance to the hike is right next to the airport and the path is essentially a staircase to heaven, basically a very steep natural staircase made of hard packed dirt.


However, after some rain, parts of the path become extremely slippery. Therefore, it's important to wear proper hiking shoes. Walking sticks could also be beneficial.

The view is breathtaking. I often stopped on my hike to take in the beautiful view of Isafjordur and to eat berries. Along the hike are many crowberry, bilberry, and icelandic bilberry plants.


Bilberries are like mini blueberries and they're often ripe in August until early September. The hike up took me about an hour but I did stop often to pick bilberries so anyone walking non-stop will likely arrive at Naustahvilft much sooner than I did.


I recommend also signing the guestbook that's attached to a large rock to the left of the hike. It's at an altitude of 225 meters. If you wish, you can also walk up much closer to the gathering of rocks in Naustahvilft. That's pretty easy since it's all flat, just a few large rocks to past.

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After spending some time at Naustahvilft to take in the beautiful panoramic view of Isafjordur, I hiked down. The path down is much harder. The great natural staircase becomes many small areas each of which can be yet another chance for you to slip and fall. So it's extremely important to watch your step. If you're thirsty you can also get some fresh water from the nearby spring. I highly recommend doing this hike if you get the chance to visit Isafjordur.